How to Play
Object of the Game
In this action-packed, full-contact card game, you'll establish your GOVERNMENT, build your KINGDOM and rule the world. But beware, the REVOLUTION is coming. If you want to win, you'll need to be quick-thinking and strategic, as a friend can easily become an enemy with the turn of a card.
Deck Setup
For 3 - 6 Players: To set up a deck, use one King card for each player, two Switch cards, and two Reverse cards.
For 2 Players: Use two King cards and exclude the two Reverse cards.
Establish a Government
At the start, place the shuffled deck in the center of the table. Beginning with the youngest player, each player will draw a card and discard face-up moving left until a player draws a King. The first player to draw a King forms their Government by placing the card on the table in front of them. This player is now the Government.
The Government shuffles the remaining cards and deals eight cards to each player. The Government then places the remaining cards face down in front of them and draws the top card from the draw pile, placing it face-up in the center of the table to commence the first Battle.
The Battle begins with the card placed in the center of the table. Players have several ways to respond to this card:
Playing UP: A player plays a card of the same color but a higher value, setting the direction of play UP. All subsequent cards must have a greater or equal value. Say “BLUE UP!” or “RED UP!” to indicate your move.
Playing DOWN: A player plays a card of the same color but a lower value, setting the direction of play DOWN. All subsequent cards must have a lower or equal value. Say “BLUE DOWN!” or “RED DOWN!” to indicate your move.
NEUTRAL: Playing a card of the same value as the Battle card sets no direction, and game play proceeds based on the color and value of the last card played. Say “BLUE!” or “RED!” to announce your color when the direction of play hasn't been set.
SWITCH: This card changes the UP or DOWN direction of play to the opposite direction, and the game proceeds to the next player. Say “BLUE DOWN/UP!” or “RED DOWN/UP!” to indicate your move.
REVERSE: This card reverses the direction of play, moving it left if it has been going right, and vice versa.
SIEGE: Start a Siege by playing a Marshal card along with any card of the same suit. During a Siege, the next player(s) must play cards on both the Battle pile and the Siege pile. You can add a second or third Siege by playing cards on each of the piles, followed by a Marshal in a new Siege pile.
Players may play one card per turn or two cards during a Siege.
If a player cannot play any of the cards in their hand, they call for Rations and draw one card from the draw pile (or three cards in a two-player game). If this card(s) can be played, the player must play it, and the game moves to the next player. If they cannot play it the player must concede their loss by knocking on the table. If no cards remain in the draw pile, players will draw card(a) from the Government’s hand.
Battle Winner
Once a player concedes their loss, by knocking twice on the table, the last player to have successfully played a card wins all of the cards in the Battle pile and adds them to their hand.
Building Your Kingdom
Between Battles, any player can add cards from their hand to their Kingdom. There are no restrictions on the number of cards that can be added. Kingdoms must be built out in order and of the same color, starting with the King.
Starting Another Battle
The player who conceded their loss in the previous round will draw a random card from the Battle winner's hand, place it in the center of the table, and play on it to start the next Battle.
A Revolution is triggered when a challenging Kingdom becomes as powerful as or more powerful than the current Government's Kingdom. The process continues until a definitive winner is determined:
Triggering the Revolution
When a player's Kingdom has the same number of cards or more than the Government's Kingdom, that player can call for a Revolution. This starts a duel with the Government to see who has the most powerful Kingdom.
The Duel
The Government and the challenging Kingdom draw a card from each other's hand without looking.
Both players say, “1, 2, 3, Revolution!” and reveal their drawn card.
The high card wins, and the winner takes both drawn cards and the lowest card from the loser's Kingdom.
The duels continue in rounds until one of the following outcomes is reached.
Challenger Wins and Becomes the New Government
If challenger wins they become the most powerful Kingdom. They assume the role of Government, and the game continues with them in power.
Existing Government Wins and Retains Power
If the existing Government wins enough duels to regain their position as the most powerful Kingdom, they continue in their role as Government. The game then progresses with them maintaining control.
Special Assessments
These can only be performed between Battles:
Welfare: If any player has less than five cards in their hand at the end of a round, they may call for Welfare. The Government deals them the needed cards from the draw pile. Once the draw pile is exhausted, the Government must let the player draw directly from their hand until they have five cards.
Taxes: Taxes can be collected by the Government once they have added a Tax Collector (8) to their Government. The Government calls out "Taxes," and all players must fan out their cards, allowing the Government to take one random card from one other player.
Bailout: If the Government runs out of cards in their hand, they can call for a "Bailout." All players must fan out their cards, and the Government draws two cards from each player to replenish their hand. If the Government calls for a Bailout, no Welfare or Taxes can be claimed until the next Battle is completed.
Winning the Game
Revolution is won by fully building out your Kingdom in order. The Government can claim victory by building their entire Kingdom in order and winning one final round with their entire Kingdom, without being overthrown by another Kingdom.